5 Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Outdated Kitchen Cabinets
Your kitchen cabinets are the heart and soul of your kitchen. Old cabinets can easily make your kitchen look dated. Luckily, it is easy to change up your cabinets and give your kitchen a fresh look. Read this guide to upgrade kitchen cabinets like a pro. Paint to Upgrade Kitchen Cabinets Painting your kitchen cabinets is a fun project. Save yourself some money and do it yourself instead of hiring a pro. We’re about to show you how to do it in just a few quick steps! You’ll need a paintbrush and a small foam roller. Spray paint is another option but it can be tricky. We recommend painting with a brush or foam roller. Step 1 First, clean your kitchen so nothing gets in the way and empty your cabinets. Cover your backsplash and appliances with drop cloths. Remove all the hinges and hardware so that you don’t accidentally paint them. Step 2 Next, label each door using painter’s tape and a marker so you won’t forget where they came from. Put the hardware in a plastic bag and tape it...