How To Help Students Write Essays
All through their school life, students write a lot of essays, exams and even class notes. Writing is not easy and even though it is unavoidable in the school setting, there are students who hate the idea of having to write. Of this writings, we will focus on essay writing as we believe this is an integral part in a student’s life in college. We will narrow down on those students who hate essay writing with an aim of improving their grades after our interaction.
Why do students hate writing essays?
There have been many research studies that have sought to address the concerns by those students who reported to hate writing essays. These studies observed that most of these students found essay writing to be boring and would rather be doing other things. There are those students who specifically detested the idea of having to conduct their research although most students did not understand why schools had to make them write essays as they did not see their usefulness.
Consequently, whether we agree with the perception of these students or not, we have to address their concerns by changing their perception of essay writing if we are to help them. Additionally, the lack of enough time at school was looked at as a valid reason. Students undertake many subjects in schools. They need to focus on them and therefore the entire process of essay writing seems pointless to them. In between attending all these subjects classes, completing their various assignments and revising for exams, the students have very little time to socialise with others.
Finally, the lack of feedback by their schools on previous essays they have written was a concern among many students. Students felt that they only had to write them for grades because after writing them, the essays were never returned to the students so that they can correct their mistakes.
What to do about it?
As a student
There were various recommendations that were given but most of them agreed that the student played the biggest part in these corrective initiatives. Inasmuch as writing is difficult, it is important that students take it upon themselves to do their own writing instead of merely hiring online professional essay writers for hire to write their essays. Students need to be made to understand that they cannot always take shortcuts in life whenever a challenge arises in their life. Therefore, the following tips might greatly aid a student to write a good essay:
Write how you talk
The most enjoyable method of essay writing is when you simply write the way you talk. Not all essays require formal language and as long as students avoid swearing and slang words in their texts, their essays may just be as effective as other formal essays. Students are advised to have their initial draft be as casual as possible with simple words and phrases after which they can go back and add some relevant vocabulary to make their essay look academic.
First draft on paper
Students have an added advantage if they write their first essay drafts on a piece of paper rather than having to type on a computer. However, some students nowadays are so used to the computer that they may not experience the difficulties that are involved in typing. For most students, they have to delete a lot of words on a computer than they would do if they were using a pen and a paper.
Planning is the key
Having an outline is considered one of the most effective ways of making essay writing easy. The outline lays down all the steps you have to take from the beginning through the middle all the way to the conclusion. Not only does it make your work enjoyable, but also organised. If students choose to engage an essay writing service, they will find that most of them offer to conduct research on the given topic and prepare an outline for the students while leaving the student to do the actual writing. This is advisable for those students who have a problem organising and planning their ideas as they only get the base for their essay and they do the writing.
Go as you like
There is no law in essay writing that makes it mandatory for students to start from the introduction, through the body to the conclusion when writing their essays. You have the liberty to begin writing your essay from anywhere as long as it makes sense at the end of your writing.
Create deadlines
Time management is important in essay writing and delivering your essay on time is part of the challenge. Many students postpone writing their essays until the very last minute of submission and that’s when they begin to panic. In order to solve this problem, students are advised to come up with false deadlines just before the actual deadline. This will ensure that they have enough time to proofread their work for any errors.
As a teacher
Inasmuch as the student bears the greatest responsibility in essay writing, we have to appreciate the role played by the teacher in essay writing. Specifically the role they play in changing the perception of those students who hate essay writing in general whether formal or informal.
Teachers need to make their students understand that essay writing is not just necessary for the purposes of good grades but that it is an important craft for when they have to put forward their ideas and opinions in environments where they cannot present them verbally. From an early age, teachers should make their students appreciate that essay writing enhances students’ ability to communicate their ideas coherently thereby enhancing their confidence.
The advantage of getting the students to understand why they need to write good essays is that they then take up personal initiatives to improve themselves. It is the role of teachers therefore to make essay writing enjoyable to these students by letting the students choose the topics they like and also let them use informal language in their writings. Coercing students to write essays is not an effective method and may have a reverse effect of making the students uninterested in essay writing.
Writing is not just useful in academic and school environments but is also a useful skill to have after graduation and at work. Writing application letters is the beginning of this application then there are project reports at you various work stations. Therefore, if an individual does not possess these important skills, they will be unable to perform these tasks effectively.
Having said this, we must appreciate that not everyone is gifted at writing and in fact some people hate it. There are a few tips that you may want to consider so as to be good at writing. The steps include conducting researching on the topic given, preparing an outline of your ideas and making a reference list. If you can have all these in your essay, you can write a good essay while actually enjoying the process.
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